How I Wish I Could Write Several Novels at Once
I’m an author and authors constantly write. However, I am weak at multi-tasking, even with writing. For years, I could only work on one...
Children's Fantasy Author
How I Wish I Could Write Several Novels at Once
Why You Should Let Inspiration Come Naturally
Cutting Notebook Paper for Writing…Not!
The Curious Case of Sadie
A Twist in a Pitch
If You Gave Your Mom a Snake Party
How I Develop My Characters
Why I Don’t Base My Characters Off of People I Know
Friends for a Party
Plump and Pretty
It’s All About Revisions
Why I Shouldn’t Rush Your Writing
Deny, Rethink, Accept, and Write - My Writing Process
The Cruise
She Will Survive
All About Aliens
What I Learned About Reviving My Childhood Imagination?
The Struggle with Sequels Standing on Their Own
Good Night Gone Wrong
Down with Design