Why I Will Narrate My Own Audiobooks From Now On
I’ve worked with ACX to have audio versions of my books performed since some sites say that they could increase sales. So, I submitted...
Children's Fantasy Author
Why I Will Narrate My Own Audiobooks From Now On
My Future Plans for My Writing Process
Friendship in Real Life and Its Portrayal in Fiction
How I Wish I Could Write Several Novels at Once
Why You Should Let Inspiration Come Naturally
How I Develop My Characters
Why I Don’t Base My Characters Off of People I Know
It’s All About Revisions
The Struggle with Sequels Standing on Their Own
My Writing Process: It Starts Short and Sloppy
I Want to Make Comic Book Adaptations of My Books
Interview with Author, Tara Gilboy
Worldbuilding in My Writing
I Will Dictate the Darn Story If Necessary
I Can Turn Clichés into More Original Ideas
When Character Flaws Are Too Hard to Apply
Clichés That I Notice in Fiction
Why I Chose to Write Fantasy