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Sunayna Prasad
Children's Fantasy Author
Sunayna Prasad
May 22, 20222 min read
Why I Will Narrate My Own Audiobooks From Now On
I’ve worked with ACX to have audio versions of my books performed since some sites say that they could increase sales. So, I submitted...
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Sunayna Prasad
May 15, 20222 min read
My Future Plans for My Writing Process
It has been over a year since I had begun writing my 4th book. My goal was to have it be publishable my December of this year. Sadly, I...
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Sunayna Prasad
Feb 12, 20221 min read
Publishing When You Think You’re Ready, But Really Aren’t
I’ve had such a bad habit of publishing when I thought I was ready, but really wasn’t. Now I have a bunch of books on Amazon that are...
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Sunayna Prasad
Feb 12, 20222 min read
Don’t be Shy and Give it a Try: Research by Asking Real People
With research, you look for more than just the craft rules. Those include the setting your story takes place, the laws of that society,...
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Sunayna Prasad
Feb 9, 20222 min read
Why My Stories Might Work with Fewer Words
Sometimes, less is more with writing. Since I write regularly and have studied the craft for years, I learned the term, “kill your...
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Sunayna Prasad
Feb 9, 20221 min read
Why Names Rarely Have Purposes in My Writing
Many authors choose names for their characters based on their personalities. The names often have meanings for each character based on...
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Sunayna Prasad
Feb 8, 20222 min read
My Advice For Setting Your Story During a Crisis
Note: This post was originally published in 2020 During the earlier days on the Covid-19 pandemic, I came across an article on BookBaby...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 31, 20225 min read
My Opinion on Story Settings
When I say any time setting, I mean any time setting. I firmly believe that authors should get to set their stories whenever they want...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 31, 20222 min read
Focusing on Foreshadowing
If you’re a writer, or even a student, you should know what foreshadowing is. It is when clues are given in a story, visual or written,...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 31, 20222 min read
Why I Differentiate My Characters from Myself
Many authors base their characters off of people they know. A high percent of people also base their stories off of real-life...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 28, 20222 min read
How I Wish I Could Write Several Novels at Once
I’m an author and authors constantly write. However, I am weak at multi-tasking, even with writing. For years, I could only work on one...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 28, 20221 min read
Cutting Notebook Paper for Writing…Not!
I am finding that when I handwrite my prose words first, they come out better on the computer. But at some point, I have been handwriting...
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Sunayna Prasad
Jan 11, 20221 min read
Why I Don’t Base My Characters Off of People I Know
You’ve probably heard this from many authors: base your characters off people you know. A lot of writers do that, including big ones like...
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Sunayna Prasad
Dec 26, 20212 min read
It’s All About Revisions
Everyone who writes needs to revise sooner or later. Well, actually—it would be better if he or she waited until the draft was at the...
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Sunayna Prasad
Dec 26, 20211 min read
Why I Shouldn’t Rush Your Writing
I am often eager to finish my story or whatever else I'm working on ASAP. I get it. Many other writers probably dream of having a good...
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Sunayna Prasad
Dec 17, 20211 min read
The Struggle with Sequels Standing on Their Own
How many of you have written a full-length novel? If so, congrats! What about a series? Extra congrats times a million! Now can your...
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Sunayna Prasad
Dec 3, 20212 min read
Why It May be Worth Waiting to Publish a Hardcopy of Your Book
I know, I know. Many people prefer hardcopies over eBooks. Many writers and publishers will say you should have a hardcopy or paperback...
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Sunayna Prasad
Nov 19, 20212 min read
Why I Can’t Write Without Planning
In 2009, I returned to writing fiction after a while of not being interested. However, unlike now, I hadn’t studied the writing craft. I...
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Sunayna Prasad
Nov 19, 20212 min read
When I Describe Voices in My Writing?
Every character should have a unique voice. And by that, I don’t just mean speech patterns, words, attitudes, and so on, I also mean...
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Sunayna Prasad
Nov 6, 20212 min read
Back Cover Blurb Issues
If you publish the commercial route, a copywriter in the publishing house writes the blurb for your book—that is, if your manuscript gets...
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